College essay requirements
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Business Math - advantages and disadvantages of higher interest rates Essay
Business Math - focal points and inconveniences of higher financing costs on ventures - Essay Example Besides, increment in loan fee has an impact to bond obligation. At the point when financing cost ascends, after bonds are given, bond costs fall. Government can utilize this technique to repurchase securities, thus resign obligation and free cash in their spending plan to commit to different tasks. Financing cost likewise influences hazard avoidance. At the point when the loan fee is high, comes back from ordinary reserve funds pads against more dangerous ventures. The impact of this prompts more speculators ready to work with these paces of return. Loan costs additionally influence values, increasing rate realizes higher acquiring expenses, and this therefore impacts on the capacity to spend. (Frankel, 2003) Then again, an impediment is that when financing costs are high, the accompanying drawbacks are experienced. These happen so as to adjust the change. In the first place, its costly to acquire cash, henceforth less cash is accessible to purchase products. In actuality, this will slow the development pace of an economy. High loan cost can have impact on securities exchange, since less cash is obtained, the amount of merchandise accessible from merchants is less as they can't bear to make more buys. Advance obtaining by organizations is likewise decreased because of the expense brought about in acquiring. High loan cost additionally negatively affects Visas, organizations utilizing charge cards will bring their rates individually up in request to offset with the financing cost changes (Frankel,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Describe the methods used to calculate value added. How does value Essay - 12
Depict the strategies used to ascertain esteem included. How values included contribute towards understanding the associations between the business and its item advertises - Essay Example The conversation will research various techniques for figuring included market esteem, and decide how added advertise esteem adds to a comprehension towards the association between the business and its items showcase. Inside the general system of included market esteem, financial analyst declare that worth included computation is pivotal for traditional business accounts. Financial specialists decipher included market an incentive as comprising of the capacity to decide the business profit while the turnover isn't exact in light of the fact that the costs of doing business are not thought of. In this point of view, esteem included is the deduction of yield (costs) contrasted with the data sources. In this manner, yields that are not created by the business are not thought of. A few financial analysts compute esteem included both addictive and subtractive techniques, (Berger, 1999, p.34). For example, subtractive worth included is evaluated by taking away material and administrations costs and from the income of deals. The additional market worth or advantages demonstrate income age. Essentially, it very well may be assessed by deducting the speculation capital of the business from the business est eem. These speak to the benefit of the firm, or the all out money the association has delivered utilizing the used money. Addictive strategy decides esteem included by summarizing cost of work, (for example, social charges) profits by the activity and depreciation. This permits the firm to explore the methods for circulating the produced incomes. Addictive technique likewise summarizes the balanced recorded estimation of value and obligations speculations of the business, (Grant, 2003, p.28). These show the pre-owned cash of the undertaking or the complete money used in the business. The expanded strategy increases the measure of the commercial center portion of stock by the available offer numbers for open organizations. This builds up the firm’s advertise esteem, or the aggregate sum of money the firm can create. On the off chance that the endeavor is obscure, research
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Questioning Tips and Tricks
Questioning Tips and Tricks Use these questioning tips and tricks to engage your students in higher-level thinking during your lectures and discussions. Updated on: February 1, 2007 Page 1 of 2 Questioning Tips and Tricks Asking good questions at the right time and in the right place is a learned skillâ€"one that will require time and attention throughout your teaching career. Here are some tips and ideas that will help you make your classroom (or any subject you may teach) dynamic and intellectually stimulating. Back and Forth Thousands of teachers engage in a practice that I refer to as verbal ping-pong: the teacher asks a question; a student responds. The teacher asks a question; another student responds. The teacher asks a question; another student responds, etc. Sounds pretty exciting, doesn't it? But it happens all the time. When a student answers a question, there's absolutely no response from a teacher. Most teachers tend to accept student answers without praise, encouragement, criticism, or remediation. One educator refers to this as the “okay classroomâ€â€"one in which the teacher is nonresponsive and nonencouraging. Students need specific feedback to understand what is expected of them, correct errors, and get help in improving their performance (see How Students Learn). If all we do after getting an answer to a question is mumble “Uh-huh†or “Okay,†our students are not getting any specific feedback. Equally important, this nonresponsiveness from the teacher tends to inhibit both the quality of responses as well as higher-level thinking abilities. When you ask a question and get a response from a student, be sure to always give some kind of response to that student. The response should be one of four kinds: Jabberwocky Remediation is a teacher comment that helps students reach a more accurate or higher-level response. Praise. “Congratulations, you're on the right track!†Encouragement. “Hernando, I really liked how you pulled together all the information about Saturn into your answer.†Criticism. “No, that's not correct. You forgot to carry the two.†Remediation. “Sarah, your answer wasn't quite right. Think about how Sylvester felt when he was a rock.â€
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Empire of the Summer Moon Essay - 965 Words
Noah Ford Mr. Works English 11, E Period August 18th, 2012 The Sun Rises and so does Chaos The protagonist in Ernest Hemmingway’s The Sun Also Rises, Jacob Barnes, is a down on his luck war veteran living in France. Jake is characterized by his experiences prior to the events of the book and he narrates the story from a quiet observer’s third person perspective, often times quite cynically, exemplified when he tells his friend Robert Cohn, â€Å"You can’t get away from yourself by moving from one place to another.†Although never openly stating it, Jake on several occasions implies that due to a war injury he has lost the ability to have sex which leaves him feeling very insecure about his own masculinity, likely contributing to his†¦show more content†¦Jake is consciously aware that there is a problem, which is more than can be said about his friends. Perhaps the people that surround Jake are the issue, though. His close friends and the people whom he travels with include Lady Brett Ashley, Robert Cohn, Bill, and Mike. Brett, the target of Jake’s unrequited affections, is likely someone whom he should stop spending time with; however, it seems that he just can’t get away from her. She is a very strong and independent woman who isn’t known to behave in a traditionally feminine way. Jakes does remark that although she is very independent, â€Å"She can’t go anywhere alone.†Robert Cohn is a Jewish, wealthy expatriate; but unlike many of his friends, did not spend any time in the war. Cohn also falls head over heels in love with Brett, who soon rejects his affections as well. As a wealthy, Jewish, non war veteran Cohn stands out in the group and his fumbling attempts to court Brett are the source of much mockery and leads to many fights. Bill is also an American veteran who seems to be always drinking. He tends to use humor to try and deal with the emotional scars of war; however, is not immune to the immaturity and cruelty sometimes characterized by Jake and his friends. Fina lly, Mike is a very heavy drinking Scottish war veteran who is completely bankrupt. He is seen to have a terrible temper, which most often displays while he is drunk. Mike is also not comfortable with theShow MoreRelatedOrigin ( E.g Time, Place Of Beginnings )1688 Words  | 7 PagesOrigin (e.g time, place of beginnings): The Inca was also known as Tawantinsuyu, first appeared in the Andes region of South America throughout the 12th century A.D, the heterogeneous empire quickly flourished through the military power of their emperors. They had their own culture and pantheist beliefs up until 1438, however, the influences of past settlements and the following ninety-five years of expansion caused religious beliefs to change and develop significantly. 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This caused the Spanish and Portuguese empires to switch from American Indian labor, to African slave labor. Bringing the African slaves to the Western hemisphere began a long history of bondage that would continue in the AmericanRead MoreLA County Museum of Art Essay1221 Words  | 5 Pagesof the renowned Islamic art collections. Benedetti claims that the museum harbors over 1,700 different Islamic artworks (4). Most of them were collected from the region between Southern Spain extending to Central Asia, including Greece, the Roman Empire and ancie nt Egypt (Doak 136). These pieces of work include carved wood and stone, manuscripts on stone tablets and reeds, illumination, calligraphy, enameled glass, inlaid metal work and glazed ceramics, preferably from the Turkish and Iranian regionsRead MoreLA County Museum of Art Essay example1258 Words  | 6 PagesArabian or Islamic art in beauty and magnificence. Benedetti claims LACMA harbors over 1,700 different Islamic artworks (4). Most of them are collected from the region between Southern Spain extending to Central Asia, including Greece, the Roman Empire and ancient Egypt (Doak 136). These pieces of work include carved wood and stone, manuscripts on stone tablets and reeds, illumination, calligraphy, enameled glass, inlaid metal work and glazed ceramics, preferably from the Turkish and Iranian regionsRead MoreJuno And The Roman Goddess Juno1337 Words  | 6 Pagesentire month of June. Her name may come from the Etruscan Uni, which means She Who Gives, and which would refer to Her capacity as a benevolent Goddess of abundance who answers the prayers of those in need. shes guarded over the finances of the empire and had a temple on the Arx. Also from the Latin word juvenis, young people. The fourth month was named in honor of Juno. the name might also come from iuniores as opposed to maiores for May, Juno is the principle goddess of the Roman PantheonRead MorePolitical Cartoons During World War One1653 Words  | 7 Pagesin support (Breen, 2014). Another political cartoon that effectively illustrates the United States in the Afghanistan War is one created by Chan Lowe which illustrates Afghanistan as a huge snake. Within the snake, there is lump named ‘The British Empire’ and another lump named ‘The Soviet Union’ with Uncle Sam standing at the open mouth of the snake asking â€Å"Should I go deeper, stand pat, or back away slowly? (Lowe, 2009)†Cartoons like these can easily influence civilian opinion, and impact our viewRead MoreThe Temple Of Heaven : An Overview1533 Words  | 7 Pageszeal, which helped take over and maintain control of the empire by the Yongle Emperor. The paper will first address the background of the Ming dynasty and the motivations and conflicts which occurred during the construction and reconstruction of the temple. It will then lay out the archit ectural accoutrements of art, sculpture, and symbolism throughout the structure which played a role in emphasizing political and economic hierarchy of the empire. Finally, the paper will discuss the occupants throughRead MoreThe Sumerian Deities : Religion1634 Words  | 7 Pagesover by the Akkadians. The Sumerians were very peaceful people, and they had only a citizen army which they called to arms in time of danger. In about 2340 BC, King Sargon of Akkad conquered them and went on to build an empire that reached out west to the Mediterranean Sea. This empire did not last long. The religion of the ancient Sumerians has left its mark on the entire Middle East. Not only are its temples and ziggurats scattered about the region, but the literature, cosmogony and rituals influencedRead MoreThe Republic Of The Inca Empire1648 Words  | 7 Pageshas many different ethnic groups and was also the center of the Incan Empire. There are still ruins and landmarks that still stand from this ancient civilization. There are also various types of climate regions which truly makes Peru a one of a kind country. History Peru has a long history of people and groups that could possibly pre date the ancient superior compared to the others, and that was the Incan Empire. The Incan Empire originated from a tribe in Cuzco which became the capital. The Incan’s
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Media and Anti Corruption Free Essays
In some countries, such as Bulgaria, Macedonia, Bosnia Herzegovina, and Albania to a much lesser extent, the independent media has brought to the fore numerous corruption cases, exposing high officials. It has also been a major force behind mobilizing public opinion against corruption, as in the case of Bulgaria. At the same time it has exerted indirect pressure on the respective governments to take steps to limit corruption practices. We will write a custom essay sample on Media and Anti Corruption or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Bulgarian independent media, which has been marked by intensified anti-corruption reporting, stands out with its permanent engagement in the public debate about corruption and the efforts to curb it. It is characterized by improved quality coverage of corruption issues, expansion of the public dialogue in the media through inclusion of opinions of other civil society sectors and individuals and increased follow-up of reported cases, all of which speaks for a trend towards greater professionalism in its anti-corruption efforts. However, the limited role of the independent media in some countries should also be noted. In some, such as Bosnia Herzegovina, this has been due to the fact the media is mostly state controlled. In others, such as Albania, corrupted individuals have instigated distrust in the media, which lacks the professionalism necessary for investigative journalism and has fabricated and then denied its facts in corruption cases. A serious impediment to the greater role of the independent media is the fact that it is rarely truly independent. There is a problem of media ownership, symbiosis between business and media, the relations between the authorities and the owners of the media. On the Balkans the media is often financed by international organizations and thus has to rely on foreign help because of the small market size, in the case of Bosnia Herzegovina, or by certain business lobbies in the case of Albania. There are also cases of media close to current or former governments, in Bosnia Herzegovina, for instance, which can impede investigative journalism and its favorable impact on the efforts to combat corruption. Since it is also often regarded as a political tool by the owner, either the state or a private entity, the pressure exerted on journalists can often lead to biased coverage and impede impartial corruption investigation, which is illustrated by the Romanian press. A further hurdle to a greater role of the media is the fact it often lacks access to essential government information. For instance, in Romania, because of few laws giving access to public information or lack of their enforcement, the independent media has to rely on unofficial channels in corruption cases. Because of this unofficial information, which may be incorrect, the official authorities are even more unwilling to cooperate with the media on corruption scandals. The analysis of the media possibilities to investigate and report corruption represented the objectives of the Freedom House Assessment Report on media responses to corruption in some countries in the region summarizes the main difficulties: – Lack of independence – Lack of access to basic government information – Punitive libel law and prosecutorial abuse – Weak advocacy groups – Disincentives to investigative journalism – Lack of experience and training opportunities – Public cynicism regarding corruption How to cite Media and Anti Corruption, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Life of Pi free essay sample
Life of Pi is a suspenseful novel with a treacherous plot line and has human and animal characters. It has numerous conflicts and life-changing themes. The author in Life of Pi creates many literary devices to animate the story. This book has lots of the unusual settings. Life of Pi is a first-class book to read. Life of Pi has many major and minor characters. Pi is the protagonist of the story. He is a teenage Indian boy who practices three religions, and his father is a zookeeper. Richard Parker is the Bengal tiger that becomes Pi’s nemesis as well as his reason for living. The minor characters are Francis Adirubasamy (Mamaji), Santosh Patel, Gita Patel, Ravi Patel, Satish Kumar, and Father Martin. Mamaji is a close friend of the Patel family and a former aggressive swimmer, and he teaches Pi swimming. Mr. Patel is Pi’s father and a zookeeper, he teaches Pi about animals. We will write a custom essay sample on Life of Pi or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Mrs. Patel is Pi’s mother and helps him in education. Ravi is Pi’s older, sarcastic brother and likes to tease and bully Pi. Mr. Kumar is a baker that influenced Pi to become Muslim. Father Martin influenced Pi to become Christian. All these characters give him faith and skills to help him continue his journey. The animal characters in this story have similar traits to a human. The tiger, Richard Parker, is very friendly toward Pi when he is not hungry and is always overprotective with anything in his territory. The hyena is very fast, sly, and greedy; when it sees its prey, the zebra and the orangutan, it will stop at nothing to get it. The orangutan is polite and is found on island of floating bananas. The zebra is innocent and an easy target for the hyena because he has a broken leg. These characters’ human like behavior help project how they think, act, and behave. Life of Pi has different settings. First, it takes place in Pondicherry. In Pondicherry, he lives most of his childhood there. He visits the Pondicherry Zoo, church, mosque, temple, and Mr. Kumar’s bakery often. Another important setting is the ocean in which Pi is stranded on. Next important setting is the carnivorous island. The last setting is in Mexico. These settings help Pi have experiences and help him choose subjects in college. In this story, Pi has many conflicts through out the story. At the beginning of the story, he has many conflicts with the people at his school because they would tease him because of his name. He would have problems going to the mosque, temple, and church; because he practiced three religions. The next conflict is when he is stranded on a lifeboat with a tiger, hyena, zebra, and orangutan; and he doesn’t know how to survive. Then he fights himself to decide if he will live or not. Next he fights nature to survive; such as the sun, ocean, weather, and carnivorous island. These conflicts help story go on by giving more things to achieve. Life of Pi has two main themes. The first theme is humans act more like animals than they think. This is one of the major themes because Pi behaves like an animal to survive. He uses his instincts, turned into a non-vegetarian, and eats whatever he finds. The second major theme is friendship has no species, race, religion, shape, sizes, and color. This goes with the story because in the story he makes friends with Richard Parker and starts to train him. These two themes are important because they show the importance of friendship. The literary devices in this story usually describe what is going around Pi. The author describes sounds, the tiger, and weather movements using similes. The author also describes religion and destination by metaphors. In addition, the author describes thoughts sharks, waves, and darkness through personification. The literary devices in the book project pictures of what is happening around Pi. Life of Pi is an interesting novel to read. It has many characters. Life of Pi has several conflicts that make the plot line more interesting. It uses literary devices in a meaningful way. Life of Pi has various settings. This book is important to read because it shows lots of faith, religion, bonding, and other traits that help you go through life. Life of Pi is a book that I recommend to read. Life of Pi free essay sample Life of Pi Analytical Essay In the novel Life of Pi, Yann Martel uses the protagonist Pi to demonstrate how faith, ritual and one’s will to live save one from the barbaric and carnivorous reality. Pi Patel, lover of faith and various gods and their beliefs loses his family after a shipwreck and drifts on the Pacific Ocean with a zebra, hyena, orangutan and a tiger, Richard Parker each struggling in their own way to survive. Yann Martel uses the protagonist Pi to claim that one retains his or her survival will through writing.Martel includes the fact that Pi writes, â€Å"I die†as his pen runs dry because it symbolizes the break of his daily ritual. Pi unconsciously makes a ritual for himself daily to follow in order keep himself busy that he forgets the notion of time. Pi is able to survive because he makes an effort to forget the amount of time that passes (242). We will write a custom essay sample on Life of Pi or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The element of time symbolizes the Pi’s despair but as he slowly forgets the existence of time, he also forgets his desolated situation. Pi dedicates himself daily to working hard to not remember or think deeply about how much time has passed.If Pi were to think about the amount of time that has elapsed, he would remember his loss of family and friends making him once again look forward to death. By nature, animals including humans favor consistency and dislike change and disruptions in their ritual. Pi unconsciously conducts his own religious rituals within his daily routine and grants him continued faith in God to survive. But Pi’s religious rituals also each lack a requirement necessary for example his Mass lacks Communion and his darshan lacks murti. As his routine gradually breaks apart, so does Pi’s confidence in sustaining life. The Communion and murti represents the disruption in Pi’s life but his routine of recording his everyday life at sea in his journal substitutes for the missing elements of his religious ritual and helps Pi sustain his will to survive. Daily writing in the journal led Pi to sustain his humanity while being isolated from society. Writing down his thoughts allows Pi to retain his last grasp on human society and it gives him a sense of hope.The journal keeps Pi from cannibalism and alleviates his loneliness but as journal entries stopped, Pi gradually began to lose his sense of humanity. Pi’s last entry in his journal, â€Å"I die†signified as the death of his humanity and â€Å"driven by the extremity of my [Pi’s] need and the madness to which it pushed me, I ate some of his flesh†(322). Due to Pi’s religion, he is a vegetarian and refuses to eat meat yet to survive, he abandons humanity. Being at sea gradually forces Pi to lose memories of his life in society.Pi admits to his â€Å"madness†when he decides to eat human flesh. From the perspective of society, eating human flesh is judged as cannibalism and when Pi begins to accept the fact of eating human flesh, he has already begun to lose a part of his humanity. Writing in the journal allows Pi to retain the thinking of society including its norms such as the consuming of the same species is unjust and mentally insane. When Pi’s ink starts to run out, he is unable to continue writing and that ends his last form of connection to his previous life living on land.At this point of the novel, Pi acknowledges his decline of humanity and with it, degrades himself and his will to live when he eats human flesh. Judging himself with the eyes of society, Pi begins to waver in his faith to survive. If Pi were able to continue his journal, Pi would not have mentally been driven to its end forcing Pi to give up humanity and slowly lose his will to survive. Pi’s last humane note, â€Å"I die†demonstrates how ritual, faith and humanity pushes one further and signified the beginning of a new hope.Martel portrays the significance of one’s will to live on a long voyage across the Pacific Ocean by challenging faiths and beliefs and questioning human’s sanity when driven to the extreme. Writing is a form of communication that is a vital part to society, Martel illustrates this point when Pi’s one and only form of communication is lost. Writing helps one organize their thoughts and is a part of oneself, also one’s connection to society. Society representing humanity and vice versa can be retained through writing in order to increases one’s will especially will for survival. Life of Pi free essay sample The Aura of Orange Human, animal, plants, and all the Earth’s content is survivor. They are fighting for their rights in order to live in this beautiful world. The novel Life of Pi written by Yann Martel, has employed a lot of symbols that is related to the life. One of the most significant symbols is the color orange. The author uses orange as a symbol of maintenance of the spirit to survive in survival. This can be proved as most of the objects that are in the color orange in the novel generate feelings of hope, can develop courage in survivors, and last but not least can keep them continuously energetic; in order to strengthen their hearts and spirits to face all the possibilities in life. With the presence hope, the spirit of survival can be maintained well as orange color represents the color of hope in the novel. We will write a custom essay sample on Life of Pi or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is because the orange color is bright and inspires people and also gives hope to them. This is related as the theme color of firefighter is orange; when they are going to rescue the victims, their present has gives those who need to be rescued a hope being saved, (Theme). This can be shown in the novel Life of Pi as the sunrise gives hope to Pi and Richard Parker to be saved. â€Å"Warmth came only when the sun, looking like an electrically lit orange, broke across the horizon, but I didn’t need to wait that long to feel it. With the very first rays of light it came alive in me: hope. As things emerged in outline and filled with color, hope increased until it was like a song in my heart. Oh, what it was to bask in it! Things would work out yet. The worst was over. I had survived the night. Today I would be rescued. To think that, to string those words together in my mind, was itself a source of hope. Hope fed on hope,†(Martel 199). Based on this quotes, Pi says that the sunrise does give them a hope to survive everyday in the lifeboat and hope to be rescued. Every day that have passed, they have succeed to face it and still survive for 227 days stranded on the sea. Based on the real world, most of the people will be happy as the day is coming cover the night. People can go for work to find some stuff and money to support their needs; students go to school or college to gain more knowledge to have a better life, thus, people will appreciate every second that goes by. On the other hand, the orange color of objects has give an impact to express hope on overcome their obstacles. This can be seen through a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker, when he is trying to save his life by fighting with the sea and the big wave. As Pi says to Richard Parker, â€Å"‘do you see this lifebuoy, Richard Parker? Do you see it? Catch hold of it! HUMPH! I’ll try again. HUMPH! ’ He was too far. But the sight of the lifebuoy flying his way gave him hope. He revived and started beating the water with vigorous, desperate strokes,†(Martel 98). The color of the lifebuoy is orange as it is the color of survival that being used in the survival’s tools. These has give Richard Parker a hope to survive in the scary ocean since he is not a really good swimmer during the storm. Thus, the present of orange objects or the rays of orange do give a full meaning of hope to survive in order to keep their spirit alive. Development of courage can magnify the spirit of survival as the bravery can be represented by the orange animals in Life of Pi. This is related when a person has enough courage and ready to defeat his fear, the spirit of survival will increase and his big obstacle in life that is fear; can be settled down. The color of fire is majorly in orange color. Although the fire of matches, people always afraid of it. This shows that the color of orange is symbolize courage and determinants. This can be proved in the novel by the act of a female orang utan, Orange Juice who tries to hit the hyena; as the hyena being cruel to the zebra. Orange Juice has act, â€Å"she thumped the beast on the head. And what a thump it was. The beast’s head hit the bench it had just reached, making such a sharp noise, besides splaying its front legs flat out, that I thought surely either the bench or its jaw or both must break,†(Martel 130). Although Orange Juice is just a weak animal that never haunt any animal and just love to eat fruits, however, her courage overpowers her ability. As Pi monologue, â€Å"an adult female orang utan cannot defeat an adult male spotted hyena†¦ What does fruit eater know about killing? Where would it learn where to bite, how hard, for how long? †(Martel 130). This is something amazeing as the orang utan is very brave to face the hyena. One of the reasons why Pi called the female orang utan as Orange Juice is because the orange animals do represent the courage in an animal. On top of that, Richard Parker the Bengal tiger also represent courage in an orange animal as he is being scared by the hyena. The flame-colored carnivore emerged from beneath the tarpaulin and made for the hyena. The hyena was leaning against the stern bench, behind the zebra’s carcass, transfixed. It did not pull a fight. Instead it shrank to the floor, lifting a forepaw in a futile gesture of defense,†shows that the hyena was afraid of the orange Bengal tiger that look fierce on him (Martel 150). This is how the Bengal tiger stay to survive in the lifeboat on the spooky ocean. Therefore, it is true that orange is the color of courage; and this can spread up the spirit of survival to promote the important of life. In order to maintain the spirit of survival, energy is very important both physically and emotionally, orange objects on the boat in the novel encourage Pi to be energetic. Both physically and mentally need to be strengthen and energetic enough to think and react at any circumstances. â€Å"It seems orange-such a nice Hindu color-is the color of survival because the whole inside of the boat and the tarpaulin and the life jackets and the lifebuoy and the oars and most every other significant object aboard was orange. Even the plastic, beadless whistles were orange†¦ How true it is that necessity is the mother of invention, how very true,†as Pi start to create an idea on how to invent and innovate something using all the things surround him to full fill his necessity that is safety, (Martel 138-139). He uses these orange objects to build a raft, to save him from Richard Parker and the sharks. As in the Aura’s theory, orange helps with assimilation of new ideas, broaden the minds, helps in cope with life, and stimulates energy, (Color). Furthermore, when the orange color has turn to pale, however, their spirit to survive has fallen down. They are dying when they have stayed for very long time in the lifeboat in the sea, â€Å"What was orange became whitish orange†¦ we were two emaciated mammals, parched and starving. Richard Parker’s fur lost its luster, and some of it even fell away from his shoulders and haunches. He lost a lot of weight, became a skeleton in an oversized bag faded fur. I, too, withered away, the moistness sucked out of me, my bones showing plainly through my thin flesh,†(Martel 338-239). This tells that their spirit has turned pale as what happen to the orange color. Therefore, orange color objects can be shown as hyperactive behavior and color of energy; this will maintain the survivor to be always energetic and can hold their spirit safely. In conclusion, orange color or objects or any the references in the novel Life of Pi can generate some ways to keep holding their spirit up to stay survive in this nasty world. As well as orange color can be symbolized as a source of giving hope, element of showing courage, and encouraging survivor to be energetic. As a human being, spirit or belief in ourselves is very important to let us be ready to face this world, thus, preparations of it must be prepared in any circumstances. If orange fruit can protect itself by being sour taste and has thick cover; on the same time gives vitamin C to those who eat it that really benefits to health. So, why not human become tough physically and mentally also in order to maintain their wisdom and rationality? On the one hand, they full fill others needs. That is the real meaning of survival.
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